Sunday, April 3, 2011

The package below ( Kloee ) has been keeping us away from the blog.....

 I think Capt. Morgan thinks Kloee is his baby.. He always lays wherever she is at.
The last pic just looks like she got her socks knocked off! 


  1. Look at all that hair!! She is so precioius! And it's adorable your doggie is in love with her too! When I was a baby (or so I'm told) our German Shepard would lay by crib every night and growl at whoever tried to enter my room. lol He ended up getting to over protective though, and they had to get rid of him. =(

    I think your family lovely!

  2. She is super cute. Dogs are over protective of babies. My dog knew my mom was pregnant with me before they did. When they brought me home from the hospital they took pictures like the ones you have.

    Thanks for posting pics of her.

  3. Your daughter is sooo precious she absolutely melts my heart and not very many babies do that. :)

  4. Thanks everyone.. He loves her but I dont think he a a single violent bone in his body. Its funny because she just turned 4 months old and she loves to grab his fur and his nose now!

  5. Awwwww she is adorable!!! All that hair!!! My baby is almost 10mths old...The time flies and before you know it...the dog will be eating her scraps and trying to take her food :)

  6. You have to get a picture of her grabbing his nose!! Too cute!

    Our dog now, when our youngest was born, whenever anyone held her, she would go and sit right next to them and stare at if to say "I'm watching you!" lol
